兩位素昧平生的香港朋友,透過 Hospitality club (http://www.hospitalityclub.org) 的聯繫,在他們於台北的旅行期間住在我家三晚。這三天他們剛好趕上101的跨年煙火秀、中正紀念堂的重新開放。
Hospitality Club http://www.hospitalityclub.org
你喜歡認識不同文化的朋友嗎? 你喜歡旅行嗎? 你喜歡幫助別人嗎? 如果是的話你就來對了地方 Do you love meeting people from other cultures? Do you love traveling? Do you love helping other people? Then this is the place for you to be! Hospitality Club 是什麼? What is the Hospitality Club? 我們的目標是縮短人類的距離 - 主人 和 客人, 旅行人 和 當地人. 在世界各地,上千個 Hospitality Club 的成員都在幫助互相在他們旅行的時候 - 不管只睡一晚 或是當個地方導遊. 只需要幾分鐘的輸入就可以加入這個免費的社團. 成員們可以在這個網站上互相傳訊息, 給評價 和分享經驗. Our aim is to bring people together - hosts and guests, travelers and locals. Thousands of Hospitality Club members around the world help each other when they are traveling - be it with a roof for the night or a guided tour through town. Joining is free, takes just a minute and everyone is welcome. Members can look at each other's profiles, send messages and post comments about their experience on the website. 這個網站是由義工們維護的, 我們相性這個觀念: 在幫助旅行者認識當地的人和讓當地人有機會認識不同文化背景的人;我們可以增加不同文化的認識來增進我們世界的和平!! The club is supported by volunteers who believe in one idea: by bringing travelers in touch with people in the place they visit, and by giving "locals" a chance to meet people from other cultures we can increase intercultural understanding and strengthen the peace on our planet. 心動嗎 - 加入 網路上最大的好客互助團體! 你將可以認識到友善的朋友和找到免費歇腳的地方,在世界上的任何角落. 加入不需要任何的義務 ( 不需要給人住你家,如果你不想的話! ), 會員是免費的,我們期待你的加入到我們這個世界性的友善團體 Come onboard - join the largest online hospitality exchange organization! You will meet friendly people and find free accommodation when you travel to any corner of the world. There are no obligations (you do not have to host anyone at your home!), membership is free and we would love to have you in our world wide web of friendly people!